Saturday, January 26, 2008

Nothing new

Well, I don't have much to say. Veronica's life is more exciting than mine but she doesn't know how to blog. So you have to read my blog post instead (quick stop now).

I'm taking two classes and a half this semester. The half-class is a linguistics course. I attend the linguistics class' lectures and absorb as much as I can, that's it. This should give me a better understanding of natural language processing, since natural language processing is built upon linguistic concepts. I am, of course, still researching and pretending to work.

My hockey team is starting playoffs (I'm coaching for those who don't know). In other words, the season is almost over. From my perspective, this isn't such a bad thing since I can't coach from behind the bench. There was this administrative, what do they call it, miscommunication and consequently I'm stuck in the stands.

Last but not least, Veronica and I eloped last week.

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Back to school

This holiday season passed in three episodes. First, Greg (Veronica's brother) travelled all the way from Montreal to use our high-speed Internet connection. During the brief periods in between his web surfing, we managed to visit Stanley park, the Vancouver aquarium, the Science museum thing and some other stuff. Shortly after he left, I left to coach my hockey team in their Vancouver tournament. The most interesting episode occurred upon my return - Veronica was branded. I mean, that darling wonderful girl, got a tattoo (below).