Thursday, February 12, 2009

Mind bender

Meaning does not exist, only structure exists. Meaning is inferred.

Monday, February 2, 2009

Groundhog day

CBC writes "Nova Scotia's Shubenacadie Sam, Ontario's Wiarton Willie and Punxsutawney Phil of Gobbler's Knob, Pa., were awakened from their winter slumber where they all, according to their handlers, saw their shadows."

Yes, because groundhogs are excellent predictors of weather. In fact, environment Canada has been hiring like mad in this recession in attempt to create jobs and improve their weather predictions. It was a groundhog that predicted a January mass of arctic air descending over the whole of Canada would make Canadians cold, really cold.

I feel bad for the groundhogs. They're sleeping contentedly and then some moron wakes them up for no reason. No matter what weather is predicted and whether or not it happens doesn't matter a damn. We can't change the weather on such short notice.

Poor Sam woke to bagpipes this year. Next year Sam will hang himself instead of hibernating. I guess we're guaranteed early summers.