Thursday, December 18, 2008

Season's Greetings

I know we don't write often at all, but honestly nothing crazy or out of the ordinary has been happening lately.
My parents are visiting Victoria right now, they arrived on December 11th and they depart on January 1st. The weather however is not really cooperating, so they aren't getting out and doing all that much. See, funny thing, Victoria is actually havinga a winter this year! OH MY GOD!! There is actually snow... and it is extremely noticeable that snow is not a regular occurance, because people don't know how to drive! It's crazy!
Hopefully the weather will start to get back to normal soon, so that if or when we go to Vancouver over the holidays it isn't too crazy out!
We have had a few other visitors come out to Victoria to visit us this year, so we say a giant thank you to all of you, it was great seeing you all...
And so, Happy Holidays, I hope to write up a few more blogs in the new year!

All the best for 2009!
Veronica, Neil and Bam

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Spousal abuse

Veronica feels that it is acceptable to sign me up for contests and give away my personal information. This strategy was learned from my mom.

Veronica has a new men's Mat & Nat bag and Mat & Nat have a picture of me, along with some personal information.

Abuse, I say.

I learned the news when she sent me a chat message, "i need your ID number". I responded, "?". And she said, "i won a mat & nat bag so i need your id number".

Abuse, I say.

Thursday, August 7, 2008

At Last!!! I Win

This will be a quick and easy post. As most people know, because news travels fast, Neil has given me a ring.

Now for the confusion, it is not an engagement ring, because lets face it, when you've been living with someone for 6 years, and been together for 13, you're married!

So, that being said, it is a commitment ring. As this is the one and only ring.... there will be no other. And we will not be having a ceremony, because that would be too typical, and everyone knows that we are not the typical couple.

So.... in a couple of years when we are back home in Montreal we will have a giant party, I will be wearing a sari, and that ladies and gents will be our reception!!!

I just wanted to let you all know the news.... and finally, there will be no pictures of the ring sent by email, as I will see you all in October. That is my little bit of suspense for you all! See you in 8 weeks!!

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Another Year Wiser....

Another Year Older, Another Year Wiser. I believe that is the saying. I turned 28 yesterday, and I thank everyone who was thinking about me on my special day. Last year was a great year, I feel I am getting better with age, like a fine wine. Especially in the last part of my 27th year, I have to say that I am truly happy where I finished the last year, and where I am starting my next.

So I started writing that a couple of months ago, but have been so distracted with my new job, that I have not updated it since May 13th. I do apologize for that! So, I have finished my probationary period at UVic, and apparently I am indispensible, which is always nice =O). I am really enjoying working at the University, I thoroughly enjoy walking to work, and swimming during my lunch break. I am looking forward to visiting in October, there are many people to see! And a wonderful wedding to attend.

I suppose I will finish on that note, this summer seems to hold the promise of some hiking and lots of ultimate! Starting this evening with a practice. Take care everyone!!! =O)

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

It's time to ask the tough question

In case you haven't read the news, we're killing the polar bears (global warming). I'm hoping to put the current federal government in the hot seat by writing to CBC. See below...

I count on news agencies, particularly CBC, to ask the questions that I physically can not. For example, I am unable to question our prime minister but CBC can, on Canadian's behalf. I have patiently waited for the CBC to ask why it is acceptable to make no effort toward our Kyoto accord obligations simply because we can not meet its ultimate objectives. This behaviour is similar to firefighters rescuing no-one (from a burning building) simply because they can't save everyone.

If CBC has enquired with respect to these matters then please point me to the article containing the government's response (provincial or federal).

Monday, April 14, 2008

I'm back from California

My flights back were fairly uneventful except for the the wife "tearing a strip off" her husband in the row in front of me, and major engine/landing gear problems on my Vancouver to Victoria flight (the original plane was towed to the shop and the crew prep-ed another plane).

I don't understand US culture (in California). I felt more comfortable in Geneva then in California. Here are some examples (yes, they aren't isolated to the US): 1.5 million dollar homes next to a neighborhood where people live 200% below the poverty line; you drive everywhere; people seem to like hierarchy (I'm above you).

With respect to the conference, my best conversations were with the two taxi drivers during my ride to and from the hotel. By the way, Heath Ledger (the new Batman movie died because he was still partially in character. His medication issues were due to his residual joker persona. Has anyone had a better taxi conversation?

Another positive aspect of the trip was the view from the airplane of the regions geography and topography. Wow!

Friday, April 11, 2008

From California...

I'm attending a conference in California about 65 miles west of Los Angeles. The weather is quite nice - 25C and sunny. But let me start from the beginning...

My departure-day started at 9:30 (AM) when I caught my first bus. I walked onto my second bus at 10:21 and arrived at the airport well before my 12:30 flight. Taking a taxi, or the shuttle, would have cost me money and, in turn, would have cost my supervisor money. Being a nice guy, I took the bus (pre-paid for UVic students, a.k.a free). And, I arrived at the hotel 12 hours later. (You hear ominous music.)

When I checked in and the lady realized that I was going to the US, she looked at me, square in the eyes, and asked, "Do you have a passport?". Why would she presume that I didn't? During my first security check at Victoria International Airport, the officer ran a chemical check on my laptop. He was looking for traces of explosives (and other stuff). On my second security check at Vancouver airport, I removed my shoes so that they could be x-rayed, I was given the full pat-down and they checked all of my belongings, including my laptop, for traces of explosives (and other stuff). My conclusion is that I look like a drug smuggling idiot without a passport. Now, there's a good way to get caught - don't have a passport. "I mean, dude, I just want to enter the US, man. I'm goin' to see some friends, man. No, that's medical marijuana...".

Did I mention that two of my three flights were delayed.

Now the question, I'm left pondering, is why the security checks don't occur when Veronica's with me...

Surf's up. (or whatever they say)

Monday, March 17, 2008

Let's Prance to the New Job Dance!

I figured I had to write because I have wonderful news. After applying for a couple of jobs at the University of Victoria, I am proud to announce that I have finally been offered employment there!

I will be working for the Office of Indigenous Affairs on UVic campus. Which is a five minute walk from the apartment!! I start there on March 31st, and I am really looking forward to it.

More good news is that Greg (my brother) has also moved out west. He arrived on Monday the 10th of March; and he started working on Wednesday the 12th of March. We are very excited that he has decided to join us out here on the island. And we are now encouraging him to search for an apartment, so that he can vacate the kitchen floor. :D

So this is a short blog, just letting everyone know that good things are happening out West. And well we'll keep enjoying the warm weather, and we can hope that everyone out east will get more sun soon to melt all the snow! MAHA!

Monday, February 11, 2008

A tale from the frozen city

Winter doesn't exist in Victoria and there are a number of signs that point toward winter's non-existence. (I do mean non-existence as opposed to, ummm, absence. If something is absent then at some point, either in the past or future, it will be present. Winter has no chance of that.) So, here's my list:

- My coaching season is over because my team lost in the first round of the playoffs. Playoffs that started at the beginning of February.
- Lacross has started; the first try-outs were last week. Lacross is a "summer" sport in Victoria.
- The rose bushes are growing little green leaves.
- Zero degrees C is cold for the locals. I imagine by next year Veronica and I will consider zero cold.

For all those non-believers, here's the ultimate proof. About three weeks ago, it snowed less than a centimeter. Now, I realize that I'm frequently a liar, a cheat and fundamentally evil, but I promise that it snowed less than a centimeter. (Upon reflection it was more like hail. The meteorological conditions are quite different.) On this fine day, Veronica and I were hiking in Thetis park. We were catching the hail with our gloves, while petting prancing unicorns. (I must admit the unicorns weren't prancing.)

Since only Veronica could see the unicorns, it was exceptionally difficult to ride them home. I mean, they didn't exist; or not enough for the commute between the park and our castle. Having driven the car along the speedy autobahn to the park, it was more than acceptable to drive our pink Porche (don't let girls choose car colours) back along the same route. Never in our wildest dreams (note: we have fairly wild dreams considering Veronica can see unicorns that don't exist, during the day and while awake) could we imagine the chaos and fear waiting for us on the highway. Everything was motionless. The cars and trucks stood still. The rabbits grazing along the side of the highway watched the chaos, while drinking a beer. People stopped under the overpass to hide from the snow and treacherous roads. We took pictures of this Victoria zoo - arrr, come see the primate enclosure laddie.

The driving became worse and the story becomes better. Between the highway and our castle is a stretch of road that, God forbid, isn't perfectly flat. If you're from Victoria and you start your car from a stationary position, while on a hill, then you must, I believe by law, press on the gas peddle in such a manner to make your wheels spin. I can only conclude that this is a Victoria bylaw because not only will every driver of every car do this once, but the drivers will repeat the same behaviour. If "peddle-to-the-metal" didn't work the first ten times, now why, I say why (think Samity Sam), would it work the 11th. Of course, silly me! By the sixth time the weather should have changed - the snow should have melted, the clouds should have parted, and a thousand angels should be singing in the beautiful blue sky.

I think I'll buy a video camera for next winter.

Saturday, February 2, 2008

Neil is a Jackass

Hello Everyone,

I must say that not everything Neil says is true...
I have gotten a tattoo, but we have not eloped. Hence, why he is Evil Neil.

I promise to let you all know when we get engaged. :)

But do remember that Evil Neil is a jackass!! :)

Saturday, January 26, 2008

Nothing new

Well, I don't have much to say. Veronica's life is more exciting than mine but she doesn't know how to blog. So you have to read my blog post instead (quick stop now).

I'm taking two classes and a half this semester. The half-class is a linguistics course. I attend the linguistics class' lectures and absorb as much as I can, that's it. This should give me a better understanding of natural language processing, since natural language processing is built upon linguistic concepts. I am, of course, still researching and pretending to work.

My hockey team is starting playoffs (I'm coaching for those who don't know). In other words, the season is almost over. From my perspective, this isn't such a bad thing since I can't coach from behind the bench. There was this administrative, what do they call it, miscommunication and consequently I'm stuck in the stands.

Last but not least, Veronica and I eloped last week.

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Back to school

This holiday season passed in three episodes. First, Greg (Veronica's brother) travelled all the way from Montreal to use our high-speed Internet connection. During the brief periods in between his web surfing, we managed to visit Stanley park, the Vancouver aquarium, the Science museum thing and some other stuff. Shortly after he left, I left to coach my hockey team in their Vancouver tournament. The most interesting episode occurred upon my return - Veronica was branded. I mean, that darling wonderful girl, got a tattoo (below).