Thursday, December 24, 2009

Wishing all a Happy Holiday Season!

It would seem that we have been spoiled this year, thank you to all!

Wishing You & Yours a very Happy and Joyous Holiday Season!
All the Best for the New Year,
V,N &B

Saturday, December 19, 2009

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Gros Morne - the day after

We hiked through hurricane Bill and Danny. As soon as we finished hiking, the weather was incredible until we left Newfoundland. (follow us in green, above)

Last Day Hiking

We saw a number of these and we now have good stories to tell. This one was huge. Veronica could have walked under its belly without ducking.

Day 3 and 4, Long Range, Gros Morne

Day 3: The weather was too terrible to take pictures.
Day 4: Too foggy to travel using a map and compass. There was one nice hour at the end of the day.

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Thursday, November 5, 2009


Been too busy to blog... sorry. We're going to see Canada vs USA in men's hockey.

Monday, September 14, 2009

Our vacation... Sorta.

Once upon a time, there was a prince and a maid. The maid was tired and needed a vacation so the prince declared, "We shall go on a vacation to Newfunland. Maid, you shall pay for our vacation." (Though the Prince's coffers were full, he was cheap.)

News of the prince's vacation travelled quickly. Newfunlanders were overjoyed that the prince would visit their forgotten island in the kingdom of Kannada. The prince's visit warranted a celebration known to the local rock-people as a welding, to which the prince and maid were invited.

The Prince accepted the invitation and readied his formal welding attire. To his horror, the maid discovered that his welding shoes had become white and fuzzy. The Prince's shoes had been cursed by Evil Mold and Little Use. The maid fetched a magic potion called Shoo Cleaner from under her sink. With one deft spray and wipe, the Prince destroyed Evil Mold and Little Use. His shoes had been restored.

The Prince's battle left him compassionate to suffering caused by evil. To express his gratitude for the invitation to the welding, the Prince decided that he should destroy the evil Moose Clan. The Moose Clan was evil because it routinely attacked traveling road-weary Newfunlanders and was smelly.

The Moose Clan was strong in the west, in Gross Morning national park. Knowing this, the Prince prepared for adventure and misadventure awaiting him in Gross Morning were he expected to battle the Moose Clan. He wisely decide to bring his maid as the Moose Clan would often exchange a life for a maid. His thoughts were: better her than me.

The prince gave orders to ready his magic flight-bird. The flight-bird was used on special occasions to travel great distances. And, so they went.

The Moose Clan was very strong so the prince ordered his flight bird to land in Mmmtreatall. He wished to consult with the very old and wise Mmmtreatallers from which both he and his maid descended.

While unpacking the Prince's luggage, the maid discovered a broken lock. No royal key could open the lock. The colorful old king fetched the mighty hacksaw of old and the vise of staying from his dungeons. The king and the prince applied these charmed tools to the broken lock. Once cut, the lock opened. Many celebrated with drumming and feasts. These were the wise ways of the Mmmtreatallers.

Once the counsel of the demented had shared their advice on the Moose Clan, the Prince and maid took to the air in the Prince's magic flight-bird. (Admittedly there were delays. The secret Air Kannada brotherhood who operated the royal flight-bird had to replace a defective flight computer.) Post delays, they flew east to Newfunland.

In Newfunland, Fred the Russian represented by Juan the Spaniard loaned the Prince and maid a chariot. The chariot was named Raoul. This magical chariot was night black, had four wheels and originated from the distant lands of the United Mates. It drew its power from a clear potion made from the oldest life that had been cooked in the fires of hell and pressed in the pressures of deep.

Much potion was required to travel to Gross Morning national park. Fortunately, Raoul had a fairy who would sing when Raoul required more potion. Unfortunately, the fairy was drunk and sung poorly or not at all. So, the Prince and maid left not knowing if they would be stranded in Moose Clan country.

On their long journey to the west, the Prince and maid stopped to rest in Beer Lake. They ate at the Jim Horton's inn. The inn's maids assumed the Prince and his maid were traveling beggars. The inn's maids did not know of the Prince and his maid, for they travelled in secret. When the Prince's maid requested a bowl of chili, the inn's maids, pitying her small frame, gave her extra.

Although the Prince and his maid traveled in secret, the Moose Clan's scouts soon discovered their whereabouts. To weaken the Prince, the Moose Clan cast a spell on the Prince's gear. On the first morning of their quest, the maid discovered a broken flask of cleansing fluid. The Prince used the fluid to prepare his hands for his magic lenses of seeing. Shit! The maid secretly loved the Prince so she salvaged the fluid to win his favour.

The first day of their quest was difficult. A huricane-god Bill frowned on them. Futhermore, the Prince and his maid encountered two moose sentries, two loons and a mouse. They avoided the moose sentries, observed the loons and frightened the mouse (a smaller cousin of the moose).

As the Jim Horton's inn maids had noticed, the Prince's maid was malnourished. On this difficult day, the Prince was forced to carry extra weight because the weak maid could not handle her load. He considered dismissing her that very day, but remembered that the Moose Clan would often exchange a life for a maid. As soon as they made camp, the maid slept.

The Gods smiled upon the Prince and his maid on the second day of their quest. They moved quickly in the good weather and only saw one moose sentry.

Upon reaching camp on their second day, they discovered carnage left behind from a great battle between the Moose Clan and the Sub-Human Stupids. The Prince and his maid found a dirty pair of blue jeans, a 5 kilogram jar of peanut butter, a bag of quest nut-mix and a squeeze tube of jam. Oh my!

The fickle Gods no longer smiled on the Prince and his maid on the third day of their quest. This time hurricane-god Danny frowned on them. They searched two 700 meter peaks in rain, fog and wind to find the Moose Clan's king, but to no avail. They only scared a moose sentry.

On the fourth day, huricane-god Danny continued to torment the Prince and his maid with thick nasty fog. Since they had only a map and compass, they had no choice but to sit and wait, and hope. As the day grew long, GPS elves arrived and made camp alongside the Prince. The elves were nice and good conversations were had.

Huricane-god Danny renewed his trickery on the quest's fifth day. The Prince and his maid left camp with great hopes. Fog soon wrapped them in its deadly blanket leaving the Prince and his maid stranded near a pond.

From the fog, appeared the wise GPS elves, traveling without seeing. In a gesture unbecoming of a prince, the Prince begged the elves to guide him from Gross Morning national park. The elves accepted and even allowed the lowly maid to follow.

Although the Moose Clan's king was never found, the Newfunlanders were pleased by the Prince's gesture. They celebrated the Prince's return from the west with a magnificent welding. To punish the Prince's maid for her un-maid like behaviour on the first day of the quest, the maid was forced to be a bride's maid during the welding ceremony and banquet.

The Prince's Notes:
The Prince would like to apologize for blending and destroying a wooden spoon. The Prince would also like to thank Dr. Bob for use of his castle and Dr. Steve for his generous feasts.

The Prince's maid ironed the Prince's formal welding attire to again win the Prince's favour. With this gesture, she finally did.

The Maid's Notes:
Unavailable due to house work.

I'll post some of our pictures soon.

Monday, July 27, 2009

Cortes Island

Veronica and I had a small vacation with family on Cortes Island (BC). Here's a picture or two.

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Sleep Please

Veronica slept in university residence last night because of the mini-university camp run by her office. This usually means that I sleep really well in a bed to myself. Furthermore, the cat now spends the night outside hunting rats the size of beach balls. (They're actually about a size 13 shoe.) A bed to myself and the cat outside...

When I returned home last night at about midnight, the cat returned home as well. She decided that the weather wasn't fit for hunting and went to bed on me. She reassessed the weather at 3am and woke me to go outside. She re-reassessed the weather at 6am and came in. She re-re-reassessed the weather at 6:30am and demanded to go outside. Having had enough, I locked her in the bathroom with a blanket and food. I win cat. I'm going to sleep. Seconds later the cat barfed four times...

I was up at 6:30 today. It's good to start the day early. You can get a lot done.

Monday, June 8, 2009

A goat.

When I'm in the woods doing hiking or orienteering, I'm always conscious of wild animals. In BC, the two most talked about are bears and cougars. By cougars I mean the cat and not the desperate older women (I suppose they could be a threat too).

This weekend I was orienteering. I was traveling parallel to a cliff-face attempting to attain a path. I wasn't far behind another person when I heard, "Aaahhh, goat!". At that moment, I stopped scrambling and started to stand. Goat horns crashed by, inches from my face. I saw the horns and its behind, but that's the most I saw of the goat. So, this weekend I was almost mauled by a goat in a park. It would at least make for an interesting obituary.

For all those that plan to visit and hike, be careful there are bears, cougars and goats out there.

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Carmanah Provincial Park

Here are some pics from Carmanah Provincial Park.

Not easy to get to.

A nice view along the way.

The three sisters (each about 80 meters tall).

A giant 6 inch slug.

Monday, May 25, 2009

Newcastle Island

This weekend, we participated in the yearly Newcastle Island orienteering meet. Veronica told me that she came second in her category (not bad for a lady with such short legs). As for myself, who knows.

I ran about 15km over two days and I had run 8km three days earlier. At the end of the second race, I arrived at the finish line and simply sat down. I then began to remove my wet dirty shoes, some clothes and eat chocolate. I decided at some point to move off the finish line so as not to get run over. I was quickly replaced by an old brown dog that found the finish line's shade irresistible.

Newcastle Island:

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Traveling Tricks

Trick #2
Some B&Bs are actually hippie communes. Be prepared, bring underwear to share.

Trick #12
On red-eye flights, airlines strategically place babies and small children throughout the aircraft. They are paid by the airline to cry and whine. Trick: if you own the baby, you get paid.

Trick #27
Helping airport cleaning staff is inappropriate.

Trick #32
If you are longer than your bed then sleep diagonally with your head next to your alarm clock. (If you do not have an alarm clock you can sleep in four different ways.)

Trick #61
If you don't know where to eat then ask the fat airport staff. They likely have an opinion.

Trick #74
If you're hungry while in Toronto's Pearson airport, commit suicide. There's more choice in hell.

Trick #98
If your taxi driver has involuntary muscle spams do not panic. Good luck though.

Trick #102
Credit card sales-booth people are just as bored as you are. Pretending you need a credit card is fun, but not nice.

Trick #103
Creativity is enhanced by boredom. Airports are an artists muse.

Sunday, April 26, 2009


Against our better judgement we ran the TC10K. The TC10K is a relatively popular 10 KM race held in Victoria. This year about 13000 people decided to participate. Some Kenyan dude training out of Lethbridge won the thing in under 30 minutes. The man could run! I saw him very briefly while I was at kilometer 2 and he was at kilometer 5. His cool-down was running the 10 km again, in the opposite direction.

Veronica ran a total of 9 kilometers over three separate days to train for her big race. This would normally spell TROUBLE but... She ran the entire race in 1:03:07 and beat two of my friends that had been training for 3 months. This obviously doesn't teach her a lesson about regular training and fitness, unless her legs really hurt tomorrow. I can only hope... (I'm thinking nice thoughts, but I bet you thought otherwise, tsk.)

I ran the thing in 50:09 which sounds good until you find out that this time put me in 1568th place. I've redefined a Canada-bronze (where 3rd is like gold). In my case, 1568th place is like ... gold plated. To quote my cousin: "Good enough, [it]'ll do".

For the bored, the complete results can be found here:

Friday, April 17, 2009

Energy consumption

I had this link sent to me:

It's worth a look. It places our energy consumption in a new perspective.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Mini-Vacation in Tofino

Veronica and I went to Ucluelet/Tofino over the weekend. We visited some large trees...

Monday, March 30, 2009

In Ottawa in May

Off to Ottawa in May for some conference somewhere.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Cutting CBC funding

I just read the following article: In a few sentences: "the Canadian Broadcasting Corp. plans to cut up to 800 jobs as part of its strategy to make up for a $171 million shortfall in 2009-10 ... The cuts became necessary after the federal government turned down CBC's request for bridge financing that could have helped the public broadcaster weather the economic recession...".

I don't think it matters whether you love the CBC or hate them, these cuts simply don't make sense given the current economy. The government has stated that under the current economic conditions their goal is to help the economy. It would seem to me that having 800 people lose their jobs is not fulfiling the government's stated goal. Furthermore, is it not easier to keep 800 people employed rather than create 800 jobs?

Compared to the automotive industry job losses, supporting the CBC is a far better economic investment. Looking at this article, we find that the government will potentially provide billions of dollars while the car companies will cut thousands of jobs. Let's take a closer look at GM. It costs the CBC 171,000,000 / 800 = 213,750 per person to maintain a job. Assuming similar costs for a car worker it would cost the government about 1 billion to save 5,000 autoworkers, yet GM is potentially asking for 6-7 billion and cutting these 5,000 positions. Again assuming similar costs as CBC, with 6-7 billion GM could maintain 30,000 to 35,000 jobs (at least for a few years). GMs current workforce is about 12,500 people.

Ultimately, these aren't numbers but people. Neither Canadian deserves to be laid off.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Mind bender

Meaning does not exist, only structure exists. Meaning is inferred.

Monday, February 2, 2009

Groundhog day

CBC writes "Nova Scotia's Shubenacadie Sam, Ontario's Wiarton Willie and Punxsutawney Phil of Gobbler's Knob, Pa., were awakened from their winter slumber where they all, according to their handlers, saw their shadows."

Yes, because groundhogs are excellent predictors of weather. In fact, environment Canada has been hiring like mad in this recession in attempt to create jobs and improve their weather predictions. It was a groundhog that predicted a January mass of arctic air descending over the whole of Canada would make Canadians cold, really cold.

I feel bad for the groundhogs. They're sleeping contentedly and then some moron wakes them up for no reason. No matter what weather is predicted and whether or not it happens doesn't matter a damn. We can't change the weather on such short notice.

Poor Sam woke to bagpipes this year. Next year Sam will hang himself instead of hibernating. I guess we're guaranteed early summers.