Friday, May 11, 2007

It begins...

Veronica and I decided that the easiest way to stay in touch with everyone is... a blog. So here it is. The blog will get better than this but, unfortunately, it will always be twice, if not three times, more boring than we are. (Many thanks to Jon for the title and Luke for the URL.)

And so it begins...


Anonymous said...

Wow, this is the best blog ever!

Sharon B. said...

Dear Neil and Veronica,

We are all delighted to hear that you arrived safely, and are now busy starting new jobs and studies. I imagine that the weather is a great improvement over Newfoundland?

In Montreal, we have finally been blessed with Spring, and we can hear people singing in the streets, "April in Montreal..", as well as tap dancing on the sidewalks and in the cafes. We are getting ready for the Jazz festival, the Just for Laughs, festival, the Francofolies, the Film festival, and, and, and. I wonder what Montreal would be like if we didn't have winter at all?
